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LVL 1 | Price | ||||
T-Shaped Plug | x | = | |||
VPX Flash | x | = | |||
Power Cord | x | = | |||
Power Supply | x | = | |||
CPU Fan | x | = | |||
SLOT Graphic Card | x | = | |||
LVL 2 | Price | ||||
CPU Fan | x | = | |||
Print Circuit | x | = | |||
Relay | x | = | |||
Power Supply | x | = | |||
Military Power Filter | x | = | |||
SLOT Graphic Card | x | = | |||
LVL 3 | Price | ||||
CPU Fan | x | = | |||
Silicone Tube | x | = | |||
Electric Motor | x | = | |||
Pressure Gauge | x | = | |||
Military Battery | x | = | |||
LVL Solar Power | = | ||||
SLOT Graphic Card | x | = | |||
LVL 1 | Hours |
1 | 29.25 |
0.82 | 24 |
1 day = |
LVL 2 | Hours |
1 | 20.25 |
1.19 | 24 |
1 day = |
LVL 3 | Hours |
1 | 13.33 |
1.80 | 24 |
1 day = |
Why a Bitcoin Profitability Calculator Reference Page for Escape From Tarkov?
In the game Escape from Tarkov, players can build a bitcoin farm that will earn automatically Escape from tarkov money.
Players can level up their farm to level 3.
A Bitcoin profitability calculator reference page can be a useful resource for the players to be able to know how much an upgrade can cost them.
The Bitcoin profitability calculator reference page will give the players access to information and calculation about all the items and Escape From Tarkov money they need to spend.
The information given with the Bitcoin profitability calculator reference page will be, the total of the price of the different items, the profitability of each level acquired and also a simulator with dates so players can now when they will get to a profit from their upgrades.
With the right information, players can improve their experience and decrease the time needed for their progression.