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Quest | Symbol | Keys | NOTES |
Delivery from the Past | A | ||
Bad Rep Evidence | B | Factory emergency | Portable Bunkhouse key on the ground |
Postman Pat - Part1 | C | The note is on his neck (deadman) | |
Health Care Privacy - Part 5 | D | Plant 3 kite, Hide behind the couch | |
Chemical - Part3 | E | Seringe in the drawer | |
Scout | F | Factory emergency | |
Farming - Part 1 | G | Buy toolsets | |
The Huntsman Path - Secured Perimeter | Eliminate 6 PMСs on Factory in the office area (any floor) | ||
The Huntsman Path - Factory Chief | Eliminate Tagilla | ||
Secret of Polikhim | H | Plant the item on the back corner where the garbage bag | |
Sightseeing | Blue Circle | Outside of the office on the fence/truck | |
Black Swan | J | Bring MS2000 | |
Forklift Certified | Small Yellow Circles | ||
All is revealed | K | Far right corner when you enter the silo, on the ground invisible | |
Capacity Check | L | Go upstairs and jump on the reactor,Bring 3x Toolset | |
Test Drive - Part 5 | |||
The Walls have Eyes | Small Orange Circles | Bring WiFi cameras, all on cockpits | |
Every Hunter Knows This | In Breach Room | ||
Claustrophobia | Kills into the basement | ||
Possessor | M | the logbook is in the chopper | |
One less loose | N | ||
Health Care Privacy - Part 6 | O | Factory Emergency Key | |
Dragnet | P | Yellow Labs Keycard | |
The Good Times | |||
Q | |||
Q |
Why a Map Quest Tracker for the map Factory?
In the game Escape from Tarkov, the Factory map is the smallest map and the most played for PVP by new players.
A map quest tracker reference map is usefull for this map because players will know quickly where and extraction is and also where they other players will spawn.
With its boss Tagilla, the map is prefer by a lot of players from Escape of Tarkov
With that map quest tracker reference page, players will have all the tool needed to be able to complete their quest and also find their extractions place.