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Click the Adblock Plus icon
in the browser extension area on the upper right-hand corner. (You may see a small number covering part of the icon.)
Click the uBlock Origin icon
in the browser extension area on the upper right-hand corner. (You may see a small number covering part of the icon.)
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You may have to select a menu option or click a button.
Why a Key Chart Reference Page for Escape From Tarkov?
In the game Escape from Tarkov, players find a lot of different keys.
Each of them has a different purpose and value.
A key chart reference page is an importante resource for the players.
The information typically include the name of the keys, if they are needed to complete quests and also what kind of items players can find once they open the key's door.
The key chart reference page, will be use by Escape From Tarkov players for being able to make right decision about keeping or not a certain key.
With the right information, players can improve their experience and decrease the time needed for their progression.