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Quest | Symbol | Keys | NOTES |
Shooting Cans | A | Find Machine gun, grenade launcher and kill 5 targets, click on the mission's name for the video ! | |
Luxurious Life | B | Obtain the bottle of wine, click on the quest name to look at the video for the spawn | |
First in Line | C | Locate the Emercom station on Ground Zero, inside and around the tent, give 3 medecines items to therapist | |
Burning Rubber | D | Use the paid vehicle extraction on Ground Zero | |
Saving the Mole | E | Locate USEC PMC Group in the parking, Get the key on the dead scientist, Item on the office at the desk in the middle. | |
A Shooter Born in Heaven | Eliminate 5 PMC operatives with a headshot while using a bolt-action rifle on Ground Zero | ||
Peacekeeping Mission | Eliminate 12 Scavs on Ground Zero while wearing a UN uniform (UN helmet, MF-UNTAR body armor, M4A1 rifle) | ||
Information Source | Survive and extract from Ground Zero through Police Cordon V-Ex | ||
Sightseeing | Bring MS2000 Marker, click on the mission's name for the video to see the place before I upload the map | ||
Rough Tarkov | F | Just go into the corridor, DONT ENTER THE ROOM AT THE END !!! |
Why a Map Quest Tracker for the map Interchange?
In the game Escape from Tarkov, the Interchange map is the most recognize map because of its big mall.
A map quest tracker reference map is also needed for players because the mall has 3 huge floors with a lot of stores that players can complete their quest.
With its boss Killa, the most hated boss in the game, the map is played by a lot of players from Escape of Tarkov
With that map item tracker reference page, players will know where the boss will spawn and have less complication to be able to complete their quest.