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Quest | Symbol | Keys | NOTES |
Vitamins - Part 1 | A | Emercon | Both in the silver container |
Sightseeing | N | Bring an MS2000, click on the mission's name to look the video to see the spot before I update the map ! | |
Informed Means Armed | B | On the palets looking to Kiba | |
Chumming | C | Stash 3 Golden neck chains under the mattress next to BTR-82A in Generic Store, Also get 5 kills between 22h and 10h | |
Big Sale | D | See purple spaces on the map | |
The Blood of War - Part 1 | F | Mark 3 tanks with MS2000 | |
Hot Delivery | G | Right side of stage stash the 2x Gzhel, Back of the store pile of garbage stash the 2x Comtac2 and the 2x 6B47 Helmet | |
A Shooter Born in Heaven | Eliminate 5 PMC operatives with a headshot while using a bolt-action rifle on Interchange | ||
Database - Part 1 | H | The manifests are where I put the symbol on the map | |
Database - Part 2 | I | Oli logistic department | Barter Jager for the key, document on the shelf |
Minibus | J | Mark the 3 minibus with an MS2000 | |
The Key to Success | K | Books 3rd colum 1st row, MY3EN 1st pile of books | |
Supervisor | Goshan cash register | Not FIR, Barter with Jager or Flea | |
Provocation | M | Kiba Arms inner Grate door, Kiba Arms outer door, Object #21WS, Object #11SR | |
Decontamination Service | Eliminate 40 Scavs on Interchange in close range (less than 60 meters) while wearing GP-7 Mask | ||
Peacekeeping Mission | Eliminate 12 Scavs on Interchange while wearing a UN uniform (UN helmet, MF-UNTAR body armor, M4A1 rifle) | ||
Make ULTRA Great Again | Eliminate 25 Scavs on Interchange | ||
Sales Night | Survive and extract on Interchange 7 times | ||
The Stylish One | Eliminate Killa 50 times | ||
Long Line | Eliminate 30 PMCs inside the ULTRA mall on Interchange | ||
The Huntsman Path - Sellout | Eliminate Killa | ||
Information Source | Extract from V-Ex | ||
The Stylish One | |||
Sightseeing | K | ||
Irresistible | M | #21WS | Power must be on, in the container |
Why a Map Quest Tracker for the map Interchange?
In the game Escape from Tarkov, the Interchange map is the most recognize map because of its big mall.
A map quest tracker reference map is also needed for players because the mall has 3 huge floors with a lot of stores that players can complete their quest.
With its boss Killa, the most hated boss in the game, the map is played by a lot of players from Escape of Tarkov
With that map item tracker reference page, players will know where the boss will spawn and have less complication to be able to complete their quest.