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Quest | Symbol | Keys | NOTES |
TerraGroup Employee | A | Blue marking | USB stick plug into the PC |
Following the Bread Crumbs | B | Watch the video | |
Exits | Sector B | Hangar Switch | Hangar Door |
Exits | Sector G | Cargo switch | Elevator 2nd floor |
Exits | Sector O | Medblock under Servers | Elevator below Black Room |
Exits | Sector R | Switch Basement close to big pipe | Basement Elevator |
Exits | Sector Y | Parking Switch | Parking Door |
Beneath the Street | C | click on the mission's name to look the video to see the spot before I update the map ! | |
Sightseeing | Blue Circle | Bring an MS2000, click on the mission's name to look the video to see the spot before I update the map ! | |
C |
Pourquoi un Map Quest Tracker pour le map LABS ?
As you know Escape from Tarkov is a first-person shooter game that requires players to complete quests inside its specific maps.
The reference map quest tracker is important for the players because it give essential information about the map layout.
Players can use the map quest tracker reference page to be able to know where the other players spawn and also naviguate easily through it.