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Quest | Symbol | Keys | NOTES |
Easy Job - Part 1 | A | Mark the helicopter at the water treatment with MS2000 Markers | |
Easy Job - Part 2 | C | check the video to know what rogue will count | |
Sightseeing | T | Bring an MS2000, click on the mission's name to look the video to see the spot before I update the map ! | |
Top Secret | U | Kill 5 scav at the village, Click on the mission's name to look the video to see the spot before I update the map ! | |
Reconnaissance | B | Recon the roofs | |
Seaside Vacation | D | Item beside the bed | |
Lost Contact | E | Walk to the bodies | |
Drug Trafficking | F | Place the Wifi Camera | |
Missing Cargo | G | In the folder on the cuisine table, touch the crashed helicopter | |
Top Secret | H | Look at the video | |
Cargo X - Part 4 | I | Right side of the container on the Terragroup box, Mark with MS2000 | |
Revision - Lighthouse | J | Mark 4 vehicules with MS2000 | |
Corporate Secrets | K | Building one between folder in the offices, Building two in the folder holder | |
Energy Crisis | L | Mark the 3 trucks and the group of fuel tank with MS2000 | |
Broadcast - Part 1 | M | Operating room key | Right side of building, need Signal Jammer |
Network Provider - Part 2 | N | Mech gives you the repeater | |
Key to the Tower | O | Watch the video | |
Knock-Knock | P | Dont go into the mines | |
Getting Acquainted | Q | Water Treatment Plant Storage, Rogue USEC Barrack | Click on the mission's name to see all the spawns ! |
Make Amends | R | Water Treatment Plant Storage, Rogue USEC Barrack | Watch the video, for spawns |
The Hermit | S | Go to the door and take the letter ! | |
Snatch | T | Watch the video, for spawns | |
The Punisher - Part 4 | Eliminate 10 Scavs while using a 12ga shotgun on Lighthouse Eliminate 10 PMC operatives while wearing a balaclava (any type) and Scav Vest on Lighthouse | ||
Test Drive - Part 3 | Eliminate 20 PMC operatives while using an AK-12 with a suppressor and Valday PS-320 1/6x scope on Lighthouse | ||
Our Own Land | Eliminate 20 USEC PMC operatives all over the Lighthouse territory | ||
Long Road | Eliminate 15 Scavs along the main road on Lighthouse | ||
Counteraction | Eliminate 20 BEAR PMC operatives all over the Lighthouse territory | ||
Overpopulation | Secure the brown chalet and blue cottage area from Scavs on Lighthouse | ||
Assesment Part 1 | Eliminate 20 PMC in the map except at Water Treatment | ||
The Huntsman Path - Outcasts | Eliminate 10 Rogue USEC operatives | ||
A Shooter Born in Heaven | Eliminate 5 PMC operatives with a headshot while using a bolt-action rifle on Lighthouse | ||
Sightseeing | Blue Circles |
Why a Map Quest Tracker for the map Lighthouse?
In the game Escape from Tarkov, the Lighthouse map is one of the hardest to play with its AI players the Rogues.
Players will need to complete certain quests and try to avoid those AI players.
A map quest tracker reference page for the map Lighthouse is a tool that players will use to be able to know where are the Rogues and also where to find their quest items.
With its beach, cabins and island, this map is one of the players favorite.
With that map item tracker reference page, players will have all the tool needed to be able to complete their quest and also avoid the rogues.