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Quest | Symbol | Keys | NOTES |
Search Mission | A | ||
Supply Plans | B | Cabin 3, under the bed, GIVE IT TO SKIER! | |
Health Care Privacy-Part 3 | C | ||
Informed Means Armed | D | On the pile of woods | |
Chumming | E | Stash 3 Golden neck chains in the middle wooden cabin at the sawmill, back left corner | |
Lend-Lese - Part 1 | F | Sawmill In the trunk, In the violet card car between front sits | |
The Cult - Part 2 | G | Find the white circle on the ground, Plant 2x MS2000 | |
Introduction | H | Find Jaeger's camp and encrypted message, on the floor below the cabin | |
Assessment - Part 2 | I | Mark the 4 bunkers with MS2000 | |
Gratitude | J | On the dock, Stash 1 Ghost balaclava, 1 Shemagh, 1 Raybench sunglasses, 1 round frame sunglasses | |
The Blood of War - Part 3 | K | Mark the 3 fuel stash with an MS2000 | |
Shootout Picnic | Eliminate 15 Scavs on Woods | ||
Capturing Outposts | L | Eliminate 8 PMC operatives at the Scav base on Woods | |
Peacekeeping Mission | Eliminate 12 Scavs on Woods while wearing a UN uniform (UN helmet, MF-UNTAR body armor, M4A1 rifle) | ||
Steady Signal | T | Mark the 5 weather stations with an MS2000 | |
The Survivalist Path - Unprotected but Dangerous | Eliminate 5 Scavs without wearing any body armor on Woods | ||
The Survivalist Path - Thrifty | M | Stash iskra and bottle of water in each bunkers | |
The Survivalist Path - Tough Guy | Eliminate 3 Scavs on Woods in a single raid without using any medicine | ||
The Survivalist Path - Junkie | Eliminate 15 Scavs on Woods while under any stimulant effect | ||
The Huntsman Path - Woods Keeper | Eliminate Shturman | ||
Hunting Trip | Eliminate Shturman with a headshot over 75 meters while using an M700 Sniper rifle and TAC30 scope | ||
Hunter | Eliminate Shturman 20 times | ||
Swift One | Eliminate 15 PMCs without using any armor or helmets on Woods | ||
Information Source | Extract from V-Ex | ||
Return the Favor | N | Eliminate 15 PMC around the mountain area, plant 2 blue folders | |
A Shooter Born in Heaven | Eliminate 5 PMC operatives with a headshot while using a bolt-action rifle on Woods | ||
Blue Circle | Bring an MS2000 | ||
Rough Tarkov | O | Go at the edge of the USEC Camp, Don't go into the mines ! | |
Easy Money | P | Magasine on the plastic chair | |
Special comms | Q | No need to be in marathon mode, Bring 2x Bublex and 2x Military cable, place them between the rock and the black box | |
Thirsty - Delivery | Q | Plant a propane tank in the Scav Bunker | |
One less loose | Q | Plant the document if you choose to give it to Peacekeeper | |
Airmail | R | Launch a red signal flare at the old sawmill on Woods | |
Viewer | S | ||
S | |||
Shipping Delay part-1 | |||
Shipping delay part 2 | |||
A Helping Hand |
Why a Map Quest Tracker for the map Woods?
In the game Escape from Tarkov, the Woods map is one of the first map players will go to complete their first missions.
They will need to find certain items in certain location of this map.
A map quest tracker reference page for the map Woods is a tool that players will need to be able to find the specific place in the map.
With its large scale wood environnment, this map is one of the most recognize of the game.
With that map item tracker reference page, players will have a better time knowing where they are heading and need to go to complete their quests.